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How is Concrete Block Spacer used in the Construction Industry?

About Construction Industry | 27 October 2023

Concrete block spacer is a metallic or plastic molded setup equipment that is used for proper masonry unit placement.

Why Is It Used?

It helps in concrete block wall systems installation, which anyone with basic skills can do. Its objective is to make masonry construction simplified, which helps reduce the need for tried and tested approach of skilled masons placing concrete masonry units. It not only improves the construction grade but also enhances the productivity of construction.

What are Its Various Types?

There are many types of concrete block spacers that are used at various sections of the masonry wall system. These include:

  • Corner Spacers
  • Cut Block Spacers
  • Running Spacers
  • Base Course Spacers
How Is It Used in Construction?

Concrete blocks are commonly placed on a single course to a chain line. The installation technique of the masonry could be modified once there is the use of a concrete block spacer. There could be masonry units on many courses in the area of reach of a mason while progressing across the wall.

Trowels are accustomed to the application of mortar to masonry units with the right volume at the block edges. The concrete block pacers let workers use mortar to the wall following the installation of the units in place. There could be pumping of mortar into proper place, which ensures an option for a higher level of production.

Trowels are spacer usages that help the masonry industry in surmounting the obstacle of finding skilled workers. This occurs due to the fact that spacers give a construction masonry wall with the workforce – which may be trained quickly and easily. This can significantly ease the task of recruitment.

Finally, a few spacers work extremely well with concrete blocks which can be manufactured in a special way, to be used in combination with the spacers.

What are the Benefits of Using It?

The use of concrete block spacers has many advantages:

  • Improving the productivity of construction
  • Helps in weight shifting without leading to joint crushing
  • Bridging the mortar joint gap
  • Letting workers in the construction industry raise the height of the wall daily
  • Completing the functional performance of adjacent unit interlocking, alignment and fabricating a place for the mortar joint.
  • Interlocking and aligning brick masonry units.

The use of concrete block spacer makes the construction industry more productive. This product will rule the construction sector in the years to come.

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